my trading day ~ thursday 21st october
I had a leisurely start this morning at the hotel, and I was heading home on the train by mid-afternoon, after a bit of shopping in Bond Street and a quick trip to Bob Forstner’s car showroom in Park Lane to have a look at a Pagani Zonda.
I was back in my kitchen withthe laptop at 5pm to trade my “Trade With A Day Job” part-time trading system, and my 1st trade started just after 5:30pm, and gave me my full target profit of +20 pips. I took a second trade (at 6:15) fior another +20 pips. Quite a few of my customers have subsequently emailed me to say that they managed between 20 and 60 pips on that 2nd trade, but I was off out for the evening, so I cut the trade short.
I have a daily target of +25 pips, which if any of you were to achieve would mean that you can double your account size every 2 months (email me for the mathematics) and to achieve this small amount of pips every day does not mean that I have to be glued to the computer screens for hours upon hours, I can just work for a couple of hours each day, 3 or 4 days per week. Remember – you should work to live, not live to work !!