my trading day ~ wednesday 13th october 2010
Although one of my systems is called the “Any-Time” system, being a person of habit (now I have passed 50yrs old) I find that I am happiest trading at the same time most days. Ever since childhood, I have always enjoyed getting up early, and at the age of 10 years old, I had 3 paper rounds * This meant I had to get up at 5:30am to be ready to start my deliveries dead-on 6am. It took me 2 hours to complete all the paper deliveries before school, and I did this 7 days a week. Ever since then, I have always preferred to start early and finish before everyone else, and I am still doing this 4o years on.
Anyway – as I am in charge of my working hours, I find it easy to rise early and get my trading done by mid-morning (sometimes earlier) and that gives me plenty of time for my numerous hobbies. Perhaps for me I should call it the “Same-Time” Trading System……… Today I shall be DIYing, as I am converting the loft over my garage into a games room and another office for me.
Back to trading, and my first trade came along a few minutes before 8am on the EURO/U.S.DOLLAR Forex pair, and I had entered the trade at 8:04 precisely. Exactly 60 minutes later I closed off at +35 pips, nicely ahead of my daily target (25 pips) There was not much else going on, so I called it a day after that, and got on with some ‘building work’
I will report back later when I sit down for my “Evening” system at 5pm
UPDATE: I had one trade this evening with my “Trade With A Day Job” just after 5pm, and I managed +20 pips by just after 6:30pm. My daily total has come to +55 pips and my garage looks a mess……..
* A lot of you will be incredulous that a ten year old schoolboy can have a paper-round, but that’s what life was like in those days. Now you have to be 14 and have a national Insurance number. And go through a risk assessment programme !! I used to ride my bike without a high-viz jacket or helmet when doing the deliveries. And I used to hitch-hike at that age, and I met some very interesting people while hitching between villages. Everyone did it, I was not unusual….