My Trading Day ~ Thursday 11th August
11:05am. I have spent the morning so far doing some emails to potential customers and also talking to a few on Skype, it would seem that people who are interested in buying one of my systems would rather speak to a ‘real’ person before purchase. I have been informed that this kind of service is not the norm and it also seems very welcomed. The rest of the day I will be sorting out last minute details for my holiday coming up in a few days. I am off to St.Tropez in France for a week.
7:55pm. I have just closed off my second trade of the evening with my “Trade With A Day Job” system, my first one just after 5pm was a loser bu this last one was ok and I came out with +123 pips overall for the night.
Daily Target Reached ? YES (+123pips) I just traded the evening session