My Trading Day ~ Tuesday 2nd August 2011
3:25pm. Hello to everyone – I am back from my holidays and got home just after lunchtime. I’ll get into the study a bit later on and look at a few charts and answer all the emails that have come in over the past week or so. I’ll report back later and let you know if I found any trades with my “Evening” system. I’m off for a quick cycle ride first though…..
8:55pm. I have just closed off my trade for the evening with my “Trade With A Day Job” – unusually it did not kick-off until after 8 o’clock today, mostly I have banked my profit by 7 o’clock most evenings! Tonight I managed +83 pips with just the one trade, a nice start back after my week long vacation. I’m at home for around 2 weeks now before my next planned holiday, so I’ll update you tomorrow with some day-trading tales.
Daily Target Reached ? YES (+83 pips) I just traded this evening.