My Trading Day ~ Tuesday 22nd September ’09
Good morning to you all.
Well, as far as my working day went yesterday (Tuesday), it was very relaxing and completely away from the screens. As I have commented before, this ‘business’ is ideal if you like taking the odd day off to indulge in your hobbies (or just spend extra time with your families) as the markets will still be there when you decide to return. You will have no customers phoning you, wondering where you are and no employees constantly contacting you while you are trying to relax. Your time is all yours. Happy days !
In the end, I did not get back home until just after 5pm – and then I went straight out again, so I did not even have chance to trade my ‘Evening System’ but I have had a look at the relevant chart this morning and I have noticed there was no signal – and I will email all the purchasers of that system this morning to give a detailed explanation.
I wish you all a very pleasant and profitable day – and I will post today’s trading results in the morning.