My Trading Day ~ Friday 11th September.
Good morning – and I wish you all a profitable forthcoming week.
It looks like we will return to mass share ownership again as the Conservatives may sell large blocks of nationalised bank shares to the ordinary investor – mimicking the ‘Tell Sid’ British Gas share sale of the Thatcher era.
I have decided to return to habit that I indulged in before the summer – and that is working less hours on a Friday and so making my weekends longer, so an early start in front of the screens was called for. After a quick coffee in the garden at 5:30am (the winter is coming – it’s dark again in the mornings !) I was sat down, ready and waiting 15 mins later. The first trade (on the Euro/Yen) came along just after 6:15am with a nice profit of +16 pips to start the morning off. I had six more trades before I called it a day at 11am, with just one loser (of -3 pips) and a total of 62 pips.
I managed a total of 365 pips for my short working week, which if you were trading at just £5 per pip ( I trade at a lot more ) you would have earned £1825. Not bad for a small investment in my trading system manuals and some work in learning this business. Please email me if you would like more details of how I can mentor you in Stock Market/Currency trading.