Nick’s Trading Diary – Wednesday 27th February 2019
Back in front of my screens this morning so any trades I take will be detailed below – but I will be finishing at lunchtime as we have a 40-mile cycle ride planned for this afternoon.
07:50am: Just taken a ‘short’ position on my GOLD 15-min chart, more details in a moment.
08:00am: My GOLD position is a Master-The-Trend Strategy-B set-up with a 12 pip stop loss.
08:10am: Now also in a ‘short’ position on my German DAX-30 15-min chart using the same strategy as my GOLD trade. My stop loss on this occasion is 19 pips.
10:25am: My GOLD position is trundling around at break-even but I have now taken a profit on my DAX-30 trade (+44 pips)
11:25am: Just seen that the GOLD position has been stopped out at -12 pips giving me an overall total for the day of +32 pips.
I am out at 13:00pm for a long cycle ride with neighbours so I won’t open any further trades today.