Tuesday 15th May 2012 ~ Back In The UK For Me
7:15am ~ Good morning to you all, I arrived back at Stansted Airport late last night after a few delays caused by easyJet booking too many people onto our flight – I really must try to wean myself off cheap flight operators and get back to British Airways and Virgin. The trouble is they are so blooming handy , and you can fly at a moments notice which is the way I tend to travel. I will usually make my mind up to travel a few hours before I actually get going, I have never been one to plan a trip weeks in advance. I suppose having a job that I can do anywhere in the world where there’s a broadband signal helps my ‘spur-of-the-moment’ thinking.
Anyway, it’s back to life in Chelmsford for a few days and then I’m travelling up to Suffolk for the rest of the week to spend some time at the cottage. Now that I’ve switched this laptop on, I shall scan a few charts to see if I can spot any trade opportunities while I catch up on some emails that have come in overnight.
I will report back later and relay details of any trades I may have.
08:45am ~ Shortly after my blog post (above) I did manage to have a couple of trades. The first one I spotted was on my S&P500 chart and I took a ‘long’ trade with entry dead-on 7:45am. Almost immediately a potential trade on Brent Oil triggered so by 8 o’clock I was in two trades (both are trendFX trades) and I am now out of both of them with a score of +80 pips, they both managed 40 pips apiece. That score is well over my daily target so I’ll stop trading now until my evening system comes online after 5pm.
I am off for a cycle ride now for an hour or so – just a short 15 mile ride – and then back here to catch up on emails and also do a couple of Skype calls with prospective customers who have some questions to put to me before embarking on my trading education course. This afternoon I’ve some errands to get done in town as I have some supper guests coming over later, I am cooking Sausage & mash like only I know how to do… I’ll report later with news of my evening trading session.
20:45 ~ I did manage to switch on this laptop just after 5pm to watch my S&P500 chart for any trade signals on my “evening” trading system, and I must admit I missed one signal as I was showing some supper guests a trade on the EUR/USD chart I also had up, but I did manage one “evening” trade entry just after 7:30pm which gave me +88 pips after being in the market for an hour – and my EUR/USD trade gave me another 40 pips to add to my day’s total. Once I’ve finished writing this short note, I’m oing to serve up supper to my numerous guests and put away my charts for the day. My total was fairly good today, I managed 80 pips this morning, and 128 this evening, so a grand total of +208 pips for the day – happy times, and better than a real job !!
I suspect tonight is not going to be an early one……..
Daily target Reached Today ? YES (+208 pips) I traded early morning plus a few hours this evening