Thursday 17th May 2012 ~ Is The Euro Break Up A Certainty ?
8:25am ~ Well it looks more likely that a Euro break-up is on the cards, you can read about the reasons why HERE.
Back here in the cottage, I’ve had a nice lie-in this morning and the plan is to take my sailing boat out this morning with a couple of old chums to see what needs to be done (if anything) after the long winter lay-up. Hopefully we’ll be back for lunch at the Yacht Club at 2pm, and then a long walk back here to exercise after the meal for some evening trading.
6:20pm ~ Well my short period of trading today is already over and it’s till early evening. There is something that happens around 5pm on the S&P500 chart and tonight it followed this pattern and gave me a nice 50 pip profit in under an hour. My “evening” trading system is partly based on this occurrence and was first pointed out to me by a Chicago based floor trader friend nearly fifteen years ago. It has worked very well ever since then !
We are off to the Swan now for some supper.
Daily Target Reached Today ? YES (+50 pips) I just traded the evening session for an hour.