Archive for March, 2012


Update To My “Any-Time” Trading System Coming Soon + Competition To Win A Free Copy

March 31st, 2012

My “Any-Time” Trading System has been available since this website first started in August 2008, and I now feel it is time to update the strategy and buy niche edits to promote the website. The basics is not going to change at all as it has always performed very well. All I am going to do [...]

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Talk To Me Face-To-Face

March 30th, 2012

As you may have read on here previously, you can chat to me face-to-face and ask me about my systems or just trading in general. I’ve been trading for over 20 years, so there’s not much about this industry I cannot answer – why not book a Skype call with me ?   Just click [...]

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Friday 30th March 2012 ~ €27Billion Cuts For Spain

March 30th, 2012

6:15am  ~  News on the BBC Website this morning tells of €27 billion of cuts by the Spanish Government to help with their dire economic situation – read more about the story here. I have a busy morning ahead of me, hence this early rise – I had a phone call last night from a [...]

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Thursday 29th March 2012 ~ Petrol Running Out ?

March 29th, 2012

10:15am  ~   I’m quite late at getting downstairs this morning, the small party at the Yacht Club last night ended at 3am this morning, so I’m not that bright at the moment. Times like these it’s best to stay away from any trading platforms as the brain is not functioning at ‘peak-performance’ so I [...]

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Wednesday 28th March 2012 ~ Petrol Queues Grow In The UK

March 28th, 2012

8:15am  ~  There is an organised clay-pigeon shoot on a local farm in the next village, so myself and a couple of friends are going up there shortly to enjoy a noisy morning, and I will be back after lunch to answer some emails that have come in overnight plus I have 3 Skype calls [...]

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Tuesday 27th March 2012 ~

March 28th, 2012

9:15am  ~    Another late rise for me, I got down here into the kitchen at 8 o’clock and sorted out a cup of strong espresso while I turned on my MT4 platform to watch for trade signals with my trendFX collection of systems. My 1st trade this morning was due to a promising signal [...]

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Monday 26th March 2012 ~ CMC Boss In Trouble….

March 26th, 2012

9:05am  ~  A nice lazy start to the week, I’ve just got down here to the kitchen and switched on this laptop to have a quick look at all the emails that have come in yesterday and overnight from Australia/Asia. Looks like I  am going to have a busy few days on Skype with people [...]

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Wednesday 21st March 2012

March 21st, 2012

08:45am  ~  I was up quite early on my second day of full-time trading as I’ve a meeting later this morning with solicitors trying to sort out my aborted house purchase in Portugal. I started watching my trading platform here in the kitchen just before 6:30am, and when I opened up the S&P500 chart I [...]

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Tuesday 20th March 2012 ~ FTSE Stalls At 6000 Level

March 20th, 2012

7:30am  ~  Good morning to you all, I am up bright and early today, and down here in the kitchen with a strong coffee. I shall be shortly going into my study to switch on my 3 screens to watch for trendFX trades this morning – and if nothing much comes up, I will trade [...]

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Monday 19th March 2012 ~ More News On Worldspreads

March 19th, 2012

9:00am  ~   I have some more news on the Worldspreads share suspension this morning, I have been in touch with the administrators (KPMG) and they are saying that the first £100,000 of every clients trading account should be safe due to FSA rules and their compensation provision. It would appear that company and client’s [...]

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