My Trading Day ~ Monday 11th July 2011

I had a very busy weekend at Silverstone but I had to cut off the relaxing a bit earlier than I thought, and yesterday lunchtime I had a rushed meeting with a person who needed to sell their house very quickly, so I hurried back to Essex to sort it out. I always find if you act as fast as is possible (within an hour) you can grab a bargain, whether it’s a house or flat, a car or some jewellery. I try to only buy property/cars from ‘distressed’ sellers, which ensures I pay around 50-75% of the true value. Some may say this is not fair, and I have two view points. 1) I treat all such transactions as purely business decisions, so when I come to sell I make a profit (like my trading activities) and 2) I am also helping people who desperately need money in a few hours/days – and I am in a position to do that because of the success of my trading over the past 12 years.

Anyway – I managed to tie a deal up on a house near Chelmsford, and by lunchtime today I had all the money sent and contracts sorted, and will take possession tomorrow. I got back here to the cottage earlier this afternoon to find I have no broadband (rural Suffolk does have some disadvantages) so I decamped to The Swan Hotel to use their wireless internet in the bar to have a trade with my “Evening” system.

I usually start watching my chart for this system at exactly 5pm but due to the aforementioned problems, I did not get the chart up on my laptop until 5:35pm and I immediately noticed a trade had already started. As the price had retraced slightly over the first 5 minutes of the trade, I managed to get in at a better price at 5:41pm. I had joined an established trend and did not get out of the market until 8 o’clock with a total of +53 pips. I then moved over to the dining room to have a bit of supper.

Tomorrow I will be up early to drive down to Chelmsford to sort the new house out.

Daily Target Reached ?  YES (+53 pips) I just traded the evening session.

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