my trading day ~ wednesday 8th december
December 8th, 2010
Up quite early this morning (7am) as I have a meeting in town (at Starbucks/8:00am) with some friends to have a chat about a business project I am investing in. I will have my small NetBook with me, so I can do some trading if the meeting gets too boring or goes on too long. [...]
my trading day ~ tuesday 7th december
December 8th, 2010
A nice lie-in this morning, as I had planned to visit my mother for most of the day – and do a few jobs around her house. She lives on her own now, but is fiercely independent , but there are a few things she has not got the strength to tackle anymore. I left [...]
my trading day ~ monday 6th december 2010
December 6th, 2010
As is usual, my Monday morning start was not particularly early ~ I was ready for a walk to my local newsagents at 9am (too slippery to cycle) and then a hearty breakfast followed at 9:45am. I was installed in my study at 10:30am – watching for trades on my USA Forex System. Nothing much [...]
my trading day ~ friday 3rd december 2010
December 3rd, 2010
I was up a bit later this morning, and first of all I was on a bracing walk to the newsagents at 9 o’clock to collect a few daily papers. I was back for breakfast at 9:45am. This morning, the plan is to answer a few emails that have come in overnight from customers and [...]
my trading day ~ thursday 2nd december 2010
December 2nd, 2010
I stayed at my girlfriend’s house last night, so I was up ‘early doors’ clearing the snow off both our cars at 6am. She has a 25 mile commute and I have just a mile to get to my ‘office’ this morning ! I was installed in my home office (after breakfast) at 8:10am watching [...]
my trading day ~ wednesday 1st december 2010 (+november results)
December 2nd, 2010
As I have been ‘Up North’ for the past few days, this snow down in the South-East of the country has come as a complete surprise. I spent this morning pulling marooned cars out of the snow drifts with my old (1959) Land Rover (which only comes out once or twice a year) and also [...]
my trading day ~ tuesday 30th november
December 2nd, 2010
I had a long drive back from Lancashire today, and managed to get home mid-afternoon. The only trading I took part in was just after 5pm – armed with my Net-Book in my girlfriends kitchen – I entered the S&P daily index just after 5:30pm. Soon after entry, the price shot up, and I ended [...]