my trading day ~ monday 29th november 2010
November 30th, 2010
Although I am ‘Up North’ at the moment, there is no sign of any snow at all here. I think I will experience some tomorrow though, when I drive back home at lunchtime. Although it has been a nice 6 day break away from the computer screens, I am looking forward to getting back to [...]
my trading day ~ friday 26th november 2010
November 30th, 2010
Back to Stansted Airport early afternoon, and then straight off to Blackpool by road. I will be returning next Tuesday (30th Nov.) It would seem that I am missing out on some of the excitement that is driving the markets at the moment – mainly due to the Irish banking crisis I hope you all [...]
my trading day ~ thursday 25th november 2010
November 30th, 2010
As you are already aware, I am in Mallorca today, celebrating ‘ThanksGiving Day’ with some American friends. Back to the UK tomorrow afternoon.
my trading day ~ wednesday 24th november 2010
November 24th, 2010
Another cold start this morning, so although I had some brilliant resolutions last night at 11pm after a bottle of Cava, I looked out of the french windows this morning at 7am and decidied that my cycle ride would be postponed until later on. I grabbed some toast and coffee instead and headed off to [...]
my trading day ~ tuesday 23rd november 2010
November 23rd, 2010
A bit earlier start this morning compared with yesterday, as I always feel that I am entitled to a lay-in on a Monday as I spent the first 15 years of my working life (*see below) getting up at 5:30am, so now that I can choose my working hours, I revel in a late get-up [...]
my trading day ~monday 22nd november 2010
November 23rd, 2010
Not a super early start to work this morning. I rose at 9am, and went off for a nice invigorating cycle ride (20 miles) It was blooming cold, but I felt it had done me some good by the time I returned home at 11:30. After a shower and some brunch, I was in my [...]
weekly update saturday 20th november 2010
November 20th, 2010
Good afternoon to you all. My day-time* trading produced +145 pips for 3 days trading, and trading with my “Trade With A Day Job” system in the early evening produced earnings of +68 pips for 4 days trading, so all in all I had an overall profit for the week of +213 pips. NB: My [...]
my trading day ~ friday 19th november 2010
November 20th, 2010
As usual, no trading for me on a Friday, although later in the day a funny turn of events had me in front of a trading screen watching for a trade with my “Trade With A Day Job” evening system. I was chatting to my gardener (Ted) this afternoon, and it transpired that he had [...]
my trading day ~ thursday 18th november
November 18th, 2010
Up at 7am this morning – and I treated myself to a half mile cycle to fetch the morning papers. I was back in the kitchen with my laptop at 7:45, watching for trades with my “Any-Time” system. I missed one on the S&P500 index that started at 7:15, but I did manage to catch [...]
my trading day ~ wednesday 17th november
November 17th, 2010
It was not a cold start to the day, so I started at 8 o’clock with an invigorating cycle ride, and was ready for some trading by 10:00am after a 14 mile ride. There was not a lot going on in the markets this morning , my first hint of a signal (with my “Any-Time” [...]