my trading day ~ tuesday 4th may 2010
Hello to you all. Due to my rest & recuperation regime, I am rising a bit later than usual, and I am not allowed any exercise or any type of exertion at all. Luckily, I have the ideal job – sitting on a comfortable leather chair in front of a bank of computer screens. I was ready for work in my study by 9am. I have found that I can also spend a lot of time reading all those books I have promised myself, but never seem to get around to it. I did spend the weekend re-reading Mark Douglas’s excellent book “Trading In The Zone” – everyone interested in financial trading should read this book at least once a year. If you would like a free copy – just email me.
As I have been trading full-time for such a long time, I can have a quick look over my charts first thing in the morning – and see which system would work best for the day. Today looks ideal for my USA Forex (Trend-Following) system. If there are any questions you would like answered that are not on the web-page, please email me at [email protected]
My first trade signal came along at 9:16am (EUR/USD) and I had a quick short trade to reach my daily profit target of +25 pips. As usual, I was also watching a few other Forex charts, but nothing much was happening for the couple of hours I was trading. After my initial trade, I was happy to finish my trading day then, and as I have joined my local library, I wandered off there for a relaxing browse. I came away with 4 books, which will keep me occupied for the rest of the week. I was amazed to learn that I can borrow upto 14 books at a time !!! Amazing. I am not sure whether all libraries are the same, but there must have been at least a 100 books on trading/invsting, and if there is one in particular that is not in stock – the staff will get it in for you.
I traded my “Evening” system with a signal at 5:25pm and managed my usual +20 pips, so my total for the day stood at +45 pips.