my trading day ~ monday 7th november ’09
December 9th, 2009
Hello everyone – I’m looking forward to a new week in front of the screens after a nice 3 day break. The day started at 9am with a nice, but short, cycle ride – and after a shower and some orange juice I was ready at the computers at just after 10am. My first trade [...]
my trading day ~ friday 4th december ’09
December 7th, 2009
As I have mentioned yesterday, today is an official “Markets Mastered Bank Holiday” (so no trading) which occurs on the first Friday of every month due to the fact that the U.S. employment figures are released. If you click HERE you can find the Investopedia definition of this news release – and HERE is the [...]
my trading day ~ thursday 3rd december ’09
December 7th, 2009
An early start for me today (6am!!) - and as I had a lot of emails and admin work to do today, I decided to trade my new “Trade With A day Job USA” System – as it is a very relaxed, trend following strategy. It does not produce as many trades as my “Any-Time” [...]
my trading day ~ wednesday 2nd december ’09
December 7th, 2009
Hello to you all. “My Trading Day” started once I had completed an invigorating cycle ride, had a couple of coffees and then sat down at my desk at 10am. The first trade was signalled at 10:21 on the S&P500 index and gave me a profit of +13 pips for my “Any-Time” strategy. Just 20 [...]
my trading day ~ tuesday 1st december ’09
December 3rd, 2009
Hello to you all. nice to be back trading full (ish) time again. I had a late (and very leisurely) start to my working day and I was in front of my screens by 10.00am. I waited 50 mins for my first trade with my “Any-Time” system to be signalled (on the FTSE100 index) and [...]
my trading day ~ monday 30th november
December 3rd, 2009
Well – the last day of the month and I’ve missed most of the working day, having been in sunny (+cloudy, rainy) Blackpool since last Friday and only just got home. I am (just) in time to trade my “Trade With A Day Job” evening system. More of that in a moment. I have just [...]