my trading day ~ wednesday 9th december ’09
Good morning to you all.
As you have read in my previous post, I traded through the night on Tuesday, so my day today started with a ‘lie-in’ and a late breakfast at 11am. I installed myself in front of the screens ready for trading at just after 1pm and after replying to my emails – I quite soon had a trade signal (with my “Any-Time” system) on the USD/GBP currency pair, but the risk/reward looked too much for me, so I passed on that one. It turned to be ok – but was not worth the risk. My next trade signal came along 2:45pm (USD/CAD) and I achieved a profit of +20 pips. Another 3 trades were taken before I broke for a tea break at just before 5pm. My total for the Any-Time system this afternoon was +69 pips – by just trading currencies (no indexes)
I was back in front of the computer just after 5pm for my “Trade With A Day Job” strategy, and I had the normal +20 pips by 8pm (with 2 trades)
So for half a days work – I came out with +89 pips. Happy Days….