my trading day ~ tuesday evening 8th december ’09
Hello to you all – well after a nice relaxing Tuesday with friends, I was installed in front of my computers at 5pm for my “Evening Trading System” and that gave me +20 pips with a trade that kicked off at 6pm.
I was then off out for a swift couple of beers at my local ~ and I was back home in front of the screens at 10pm to trade my “Any-Time” system – and unfortunately I picked an evening when there was not much happening – but I did manage two trades before I threw the towel in at 3am this morning. My first trade was with the Euro/Yen currency pair (+10 pips) at 10:36 and the second was just before 11pm on the Australian Dollar/U.S. Dollar pair. That one gave me +20 pips and the rest of the night/early morning was very quiet. Never mind though – I was happy with my +50 pips for a short night’s work.
I answered a few emails and was off to sleep by 4am – with the prospect of a lovely lie-in……